
Title: 猪,Zhu(十二生肖成语故事)

Author: 赵光宇,Zhao Guang Yu


辽东白豕,Liao Dong Bai Shi – A man named Peng Chong continually seeks the favor of Liu Xiu, but is never given a prominent position. Peng Chong becomes rather disgruntled. A senior official writes the man a letter with a parable of a man with a white pig. The letter does not sway Peng Chong and he betrays Liu Xiu and names himself King of Yan.

牧豕听经,Mu Shi Ting Jing – A man named Cheng Gong was a pig hand that loved to read. While herding pigs, he stops to hear someone teaching from “Chun Qiu”. He eventually becomes very familiar with “Chun Qiu” and is made a member of the court for the Chao family.

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辽东白豕是什么意思 (英文)?



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